As Bonecas/ Bébés são inspiradas nas bonecas Waldorf, e todo
seu material é escolhido com cuidado e feitas à mão. O seu
interior é pura lã de ovelha, os tecidos algodão e alguns recicláveis.
Normalmente as toucas e algumas vestes são feitas de tricot ou crouchê de lã ou
algodão. As lãs utilizadas e alguns algodões são de pura lã virgem, tingida com
pigmentos naturais de plantas.
The dolls / babies are inspired by Waldorf Dolls. The natural materials are chose with care and made by hand.The inside stuffing is pure sheep wool. All the fabrics are pure cotton. Normally the heads and some clothes are made with crotchet in wool or cotton. The hair is pure virgin wool dyed naturally.
The dolls / babies are inspired by Waldorf Dolls. The natural materials are chose with care and made by hand.The inside stuffing is pure sheep wool. All the fabrics are pure cotton. Normally the heads and some clothes are made with crotchet in wool or cotton. The hair is pure virgin wool dyed naturally.
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